20 Apr
12:00 PM
20 Apr, 09:00 PM
4th Annual Sigurblot Viking Festival
Four Brothers Mead - Festus Mainstreet
124 East Main Street, Festus, MO, USA
Organized by
Four Brothers Mead

Saturday April 20th from Noon - 9pm
Hosted by Four Brothers Mead located at 124 East Main Street on Historic Festus Main Street in Missouri.
Attendance is FREE!
It's that time of year again. The frost is all but gone, and spring is upon us! Let us gather and celebrate the fresh smell of spring and the coming summer with our 4th Annual Sigurblot Viking Festival!
Prepare yourselves once more as thousands of Viking/Norse/RennFair/Pirates/etc enthusiasts descend upon Four Brothers Meadery for one of the largest Viking Festivals this side of Valhalla!
This year’s Sigurblot Festival will be the biggest yet with numerous venders added. We plan to use even more of the park field behind us! We will host dozens amazing vendors of handcrafted goods and wares, live armored hand-to-hand combat from the StL Chapter of the international fight club Legion Of Honor, Blacksmithing from past History Channels Forged In Fire participants, Fire/Belly Dancing, amazing local Food Trucks, 2 Stages of LIVE Music all day and much more!!!!
MULTIPLE hotels within a mile or two (if you're drinking, it's worth staying!), drink specials, our VIP Tent for Mead Club Member, and thousands of HORDE members dressed in their Viking/Norse/RennFair/Pirate/etc attire. Fire Pits will be keeping the air warm.
Immerse yourself in an all day party with the sight and sounds of the Old World
You will NOT want to miss this!! Last season was epic!
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