Our most popular custom rings have been the option of a synthetic crushed opal in a black ceramic ring. We love making these, and it’s always interesting to see how the colors pop when the crushed opal is placed on the dark ring as a background.
This post will serve as a log of what colors we have tried out and how they turned out.
OP02 Marine

Our take: Marine stays fairly true to color, losing just a little color to translucency.
OP21 Green Olive

Our take: Green Olive loses a bit of it’s green and shows more yellow and hidden notes of orange.
OP61 Orchid

Our take: Orchid almost completely changes, starting out as a bright pink and turning to a mixed lavender-purple-periwinkle. If you like the change, go for it – but if the bright pink is a must, we advise to choose a white or lavender ceramic band for this opal.
OP62 Jungle Green

Our take: Jungle Green goes from a soft green to a vibrant green. Notes of blue show through with the dark ring core. We think this opal is NOT true to color in the black ring, but it is a beautiful end result. A white ring may have a softer outcome.
OP75 Starry Night

Our take: Starry Night stays fairly true to color, losing just a little color to translucency.